LOVE this, what a delightful read - I have just pre-ordered Steve's book, sounds so up my street. I first listened to you and Steve on the Dear Sugar pod in 2014 on WBUR when I was going through a hard time. 10 years of magic! I love you both! xoxo

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Oh my god, this is brilliant. Every paragraph fizzes with vulnerability and authenticity, whilst being expertly crafted. There isn't a sentence here that isn't wonderful. I will be rushing out to buy Steve's book. Thank you for sharing, Cheryl. Right, maybe need to get back to therapy! :-)

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Gorgeous thank you for sharing, can’t wait to read Steve’s book!

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OMG! So much of this interview landed with me! I kept thinking about people in my life who could benefit from Steve’s wisdom and then a gong clanged and I thought…maybe it’s me who could benefit 🥹🤩👏🏼 Thank you!

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Happy I read this and quite sure I'll still be thinking about this well beyond the few moments I invested in reading it.

Thank you both very much.

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I so very much needed to read this today. All of it, every word, like little beautiful truth bombs falling. ♥️

Preordered Steve's book too!!

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The funny thing about pre-ordering books is that it often happens months before the release and then my over-full brain completely forgets. So, then I get an email notification that something I ordered has been shipped and I inwardly sigh because I'm sure I didn't order anything recently and now I have to go and check to make sure my card is secure.

Luckily, it wasn't fraud. It was past me looking out for future me by pre-ordering Steve's book, which is winging its way to me as I type this. Huzzah! Thank you Cheryl and Steve and past me. You are all aces.

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Cannot wait to order the book! " I tell them that the only path forward is through mercy. If they write with the intention of understanding, and forgiving, everyone involved, they’re going to travel further into the truth." This is exactly what I am attempting to do in the memoir I am working on. I am seeking the bigger picture which must and does include compassion and mercy, while also not negating responsibilty.

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Wonderful read.

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Love this: “ people don’t need advice so much as they need a companion, someone who will listen to them, and share stories that make them feel less alone.”

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So incredibly wonderful.

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To esteem

What is the definition of "to esteem?"

I read that twice, and had to Google it.

Verb: respect and admire

Example: What does it mean to esteem someone? It means to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration

Ok...now I think I might understand 😊

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With every person you interview, my stack of “to read” books grows. Thank you!

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Love this! Cant wait to get my hands on Steve’s book! Thank you to both of you for all your wisdom ❤️

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I love Steve! And I terribly miss the Dear Sugars podcast!

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Thanks so much, love this interview.

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