LOVE “there is no ending. No beginning. There is only shapeshifting.”

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Cheryl - you have the most AMAZING and wonderful friends!! So, I was loving Lidia's words but then I went and watched her TED talk. And now I am sitting here with baby tears in my eyes feeling so damned happy. Failures as portals - brilliant. I LOVE your mind Lidia!! I'll buy the vodka - you just show up OK? See you soon (I sincerely hope).

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Transformation as micro-intensities. I live and love this. It's a powerful thing to have a creature find you as witness of its death, to recognize and be changed by its beauty and all that it is.

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Such a delightful read. Lidia, yes. When reading your words I find myself letting go, leaning in, and feeling a soft passive embrace that feels a lot like acceptance. Yes, like water. Yes, belonging. Yes. Thank you.

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In such an awful time for the world, this felt so nourishing and wise. I especially loved the seal interlude/learning. Gorgeous, and thank you!

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I needed this so much today!!! Thank you for sharing.

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Very inspirational. Thanks for sharing!

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Wonderful, thank you 🙏

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“As naiads. Ever the woman attracted to water, this detail captured my attention. The rest of the day and night. Their adult lives are shorter than their larval lives, and their shapeshifting into winged creatures marks their ending.

The dragonfly on my desk never moved again. “

This REAlly made me want to cry. It’s nice to read writing that actually make you FEEL things. I will be adding Lidia’s book to my toRead list.

I stare at bodies of water often, at the ripples, to be more exact. But I’ve never thought of talking out loud to them. I usually just take big sighs to let off some pent up pressure. I will try talking to it next time, “reading the waves” indeed 🩵🍃

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I recently learned of Substack. I just read the piece about Lidia and loved it. She feels like a kindred spirit. I am also a novice in the field of writing. so I signed up to follow you. Thank you for this beautiful piece!

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The picture that popped up isn’t me!!!

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I cannot tell you how much I look forward to Lidia's new book!

Speaking of which, Cheryl, any news on your next book?! :)

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Dang. I love Lidia beyond measure. Beautiful, brilliant, gentle, fierce soul. A true visionary.

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Love, luv, ❤️

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Loved every single thing about this! Thank you!

"I also think mistakes and regrets are all tangled up in that complex thing we call memory. Like we carry these stories around in our bodies about our fuck-ups. Maybe too long."

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how glorious! tku for turning me onto this wonderful writer💕💕💕

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